Intensive Bible Training For Disciples
Gain Spiritual Depth Through Advanced Intensive Concentrated Bible Training
Gain Spiritual Depth Through Advanced Intensive Focused Bible Training
What Is BDI?
BDI is Believers’ Discipleship Institute. It is a three-week long indepth biblical training, aimed at exposing the undiluted truths of scriptures to disciples and intending disciples of Christ, with the goal of conforming each participant to the image of Christ and the exact pattern for His work.
The vision for BDI came as a result of the ministry’s burden to see more Christians come into full understanding of the Person of Christ, all that He has done for them, and all that He requires of them as His disciples and His labourers. The institute seeks to raise men and women who, at the end of each training period, will be stirred and determined to take a stand for Christ – first, in ensuring that He becomes absolute LORD and Master over their lives – and that His work will be effectively done through them, according to biblical pattern.
To this end, the registrars, administrators, and instructors at the institute labour in the place of prayer and the Word to ensure that Christ is correctly and adequately taught and formed in each of the students who attend the institute each year.

3 Weeks
Intensive Training
Who Can Attend BDI?
With its focus on teaching the truths as it is in Christ for the primary purpose of personal conformity to His image, to believers and disciples everywhere, Believers’ Discipleship Institute is opened to every believer or intending disciple of Jesus who is hungry for more of God, wants to grow in understanding of biblical doctrines, and also in agreement with God’s pattern and purpose for His work.
The institute is concerned with ensuring that only individuals who have determined to separate themselves from the world and to God alone, in a practial way as to deepen their relationship with God through full, clear, and comprehensive knowledge of His will, are admitted into the school.
To this end, we welcome everyone who believes that their interests agree with the foregoing, and are equally willing to conform to all rules and regulations guiding the proper functioning of the institution.

3 Weeks
Intensive Training
Features of BDI: What Participants Will Learn
Participants who have been approved to join the Believers' Discipleship Institute during the period of the training, can expect to learn, understand, and internalise the following:
Feature 1:
What it means to be truly born again, the benefits of redemption, and the cost of becoming and remaining a follower of Jesus Christ.
Feature 2:
Understand the four enemies that militate against living a godly life and how to walk in victory over them.
Feature 3:
What God demands of anyone who will labour with Him and the preparation required to labour with God.
Feature 4:
How to build and sustain an effective prayer life. Discovering the secrets to communicating effectively with God.
Feature 5:
The importance and value of developing a devotional time, building a devotional life, and continuing in consistent, unbroken communion with God.
Feature 6:
Why the Word of God is supreme and how each disciple must deliberately conform their lives to it.
Courses In BDI
Level 1
(Beginners—First steps in the Christian faith)
1. What Is Sin & What Are It’s Consequences?
2. The Process Of Salvation
3. The Benefits of Redemption
4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
5. The Concept of Discipleship
6. Necessity For A Devotional Time
7. The Meaning & Process of Meditation
8. First Steps In The Christian Faith
a]. Assurance Of Salvation
b]. Forgiveness Of Sin
c]. The Christian’s Purpose In Life
d]. How To Read The Bible
e]. How To Pray
f]. How To witness (evangelize)
g]. Scripture Memorization
h]. The Christian’s Warfare
i]. How To Handle Temptation
j]. The Body Of Christ & You
k]. Baptism & The Lord’s Supper
l]. Your Next Steps—Heb.6:1
8. Suffering As a Christian
9. The Spirit Of Excellence [in marital relationships, ministry & career]
Level 2
(Intermediate—Elementary Doctrines)
1. Elementary Doctrines
A]. Repentance From Dead Works
B]. Faith Towards God
C]. The Doctrine of Baptisms
D]. Laying On of Hands
E]. Resurrection From The Dead
F]. Eternal Judgements
2. The Purpose Of Salvation: reconciliation with God for the fulfillment of eternal purpose
3. Why Must I be Discipled? [biblical reasons for the need of discipleship]
4. Discipleship—Following Jesus Personally
5. The Necessity Of A Devotional Life
6. The Rights, Privileges & Responsibilities Of A Believer
7. The Basis of Prayer—personal & intimate relationship with God
8. Effective Bible Study For The Young Disciple
9. The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
10. The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
11. The Five-fold Ministry Gifts
12. The Two Sides To The Great Commission
13. Embracing Suffering As A Disciple
14. Understanding Personal & Practical Evangelism
15. Spiritual Disciplines—daily Bible study, daily prayer, daily meditation in the Word, periodical fasting & prayer, developing an unbroken communion with God etc.
16. Walking In Eternal Purpose
Level 3
(Advanced—Advanced Doctrines)
1. The Kingdom of God & Eschatology
A]. What is the Kingdom of God?
B]. The Rapture of the Church
C]. The 7-years of Tribulations
D]. The Jugdment Seat Of Christ
E]. The second coming of Christ & the battle of Armageddon
F]. The imprisonment of Satan & the millennial reign of Christ
G]. The Final release & eternal doom of Satan
H]. The white throne Judgement
I] Renovation of Heavens & Earth
J]. The Age Of Ages
2. Beyond Baptism In the Spirit—hearing, walking with & serving God
3. Devotional Life—the mystery of ‘Christ In You’ +
4. How Jesus Defined The Gospel
5. The Authority & the Power of A Believer
6. Strategic Evangelism
7. Qualifications Of A Discipler
8. The Centrality of Christ [in scripture, doctrine, spiritual growth & prophecy]
9. Responding Personally To The Great Commission
10. Effective Bible Study For the Maturing Disciple
11. Biblical Giving & receiving
12. Missions, Missionary Efforts & Missionary Character
13. Prevailing Prayer
14. How to Minister Baptism In The Holy Spirit
15. The Spirit World & Casting Out Demons
16. The Dreadful Cost of Sin
Register Now
Dear Applicant,
Please, Follow Each Step of The Registration Process
Frequently Asked Questions
Here, we answer some questions you may have about Believers' Discipleship Institute:
No, there will not be certificate for this training. As per the goal of the institute, to raise men and women – believers – who become wholly comformed to the image of Christ and the pattern for His work, your life is your certificate. The institute will never issue certificates or offer awards to anyone at anytime.
At the moment, the institute is not opened to virtual participation. Interested participants can apply online but must attend onsite.
As it is intended to be an indepth study of the Word of God, to become grafted into the image and Person of the LORD Jesus Christ, BDI will last for three weeks (not including weekends).
Once you have applied to be a student of BDI and your application has been approved, you are not allowed to miss a single day of the training. Under no circumstances can students, without proper notification to the school registrar, skip trainings. If the training is missed for one day, a warning will be issued to the defaulting student. If twice (for no tenable reasons), the application of such student will be revoked.
At this time, the institute will not be making the audios of the meeting available to anyone. It is also not guaranteed that the training will be recorded throughout the duration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here, we answer some questions you may have about Believers' Discipleship Institute:
No, there will not be certificate for this training. As per the goal of the institute, to raise men and women – believers – who become wholly comformed to the image of Christ and the pattern for His work, your life is your certificate. The institute will never issue certificates or offer awards to anyone at anytime.
At the moment, the institute is not opened to virtual participation. Interested participants can apply online but must attend onsite.
As it is intended to be an indepth study of the Word of God, to become grafted into the image and Person of the LORD Jesus Christ, BDI will last for three weeks (not including weekends).
Once you have applied to be a student of BDI and your application has been approved, you are not allowed to miss a single day of the training. Under no circumstances can students, without proper notification to the school registrar, skip trainings. If the training is missed for one day, a warning will be issued to the defaulting student. If twice (for no tenable reasons), the application of such student will be revoked.
At this time, the institute will not be making the audios of the meeting available to anyone. It is also not guaranteed that the training will be recorded throughout the duration.
Contact Us
Have questions, prayer requests, or need more information about BDI? Please, use any of the channels below. God bless you.
Mojisola Emmanuel
Institute's Registrar
+234 816 554 7356
Busayo Lawrence
Institute's Administrator
+234 706 240 8095
22, Ido Ani Street, Off Powerline, Okunola, Egbeda, Lagos, Nigeria.
+234 814 039 9782
What Students Are Saying
Find below some of the testimonies of past BDI students, to encourage and inspire you on your journey and decision-making.

BDI 2022 was an encounter that changed my salvation experience. Understanding justification in the course “Process of Salvation” was especially inspiring for me. Knowing that I have been justified by faith and that I have access to the holy of holies made me run with speed in my Christian journey.
Busola Obileye

Being a part of BDI 2011 was a blessing. Although I had claimed to be ‘born again’ before then,I wasn’t free from sin and didn’t understand how to live above it. I gained utmost victory and got genuinely born again during BDI 2011, and also started on my journey towards discipleship. I can trace the success of my Christian journey today to my encounter at BDI 2011.
Busayo Lawrence

I was privileged and blessed of God for making me part of the BDI 2011. I gave my life to Christ not quite long before that time and I needed to be taught and shown more accurately the ways of the Lord. Teachings and Lessons I learned and practiced has really helped me so much.(And still helping) It brought growth and understanding in every aspect of my life. Teachings like How to hear God, Developing personal relationship with God, Discipleship, Purpose etc